Monday, December 14, 2009

Look what happened to us after we went to Honey I shrunk the audience. It was quite a problem walking back to our car after this and we could hardly see over the stearing wheel!
Obviously this was before the Shrinking Audience. Just warning those of you on your way to a Disney Vacation caution before entering honey I shrunk the audience.

Splash Mountain, poor Kejia we bribed her and told her we would get her a winnie the pooh stuffed animal if she rode this. She was quite frightened. Her favorite ride was Small World and she is so cute on it.

Shawn and Jacque came to spend a week and we had our family vacations together. We had a wonderful time. It was packed full of amuzement parks and lots of laughs.

Our first day of Vacation at the Wild Animal Park. We were just starting our 8 mile a day walking adventure but we ate so much junk we made up for all that walking. We had so much fun together...

1 comment:

Michael and Megan said...

the happiest place on earth! i've never been in the fall to see the pumpkin decor. looks like so much fun. i'm jealous!